Writing stories about my experiences with multiple myeloma
Writing stories about my experiences with multiple myeloma
Full Moon meditation garden
Buck Moon – Bucks begin to grow new antlers at this time. This full Moon was also known as the Thunder Moon, because thunderstorms are so frequent during this month.
During the first weekend class, an overview and history of feng shui as well as learning the fundamental principles were presented. Simple qigong and meditations are included to enrich the experience of understanding “chi” or energy. More importantly, the students were able to apply feng shui onto an actual project; the teachings were invaluable in learning the theory and then applying these important principles onto a real apartment situation.
Please come to the next weekend class on November 22+23, 2014 where we will continue our feng shui studies which will include the “Chi evaluation” of people, the study of the “Five Elements”, and “Color Theories and Applications”.
Weekend 1 of 6:
As I was walking the HighLine, it fostered many questions from a feng shui perspective.
What are your thoughts if you chose to live in one of the apartments along this chi-filled urban park?
It was a pleasure to meet Yvonne and Quincy. Even though the placement of the major pieces of furniture were correct, there was still an “unsettled feeling” in the space.
After our feng shui consultation, the proposed feng shui recommendations helped them to “feel at home”!
During our lovely vacation in Antigua, we met a very interesting person, Raymond.
From our initial meeting with Raymond, it was clear that he was asking for guidance for his life. So, we did a feng shui consultation for him where it was an incredible experience for all, including ourselves.
This design concept is to preserve the integrity of Libeskind’s masterplan by maintaining the expansive 4.7 acres of green grass oasis amid this encompassing urban building complex.
The universal shape of the Memorial will be a circle within the square — circle symbolizes heaven and square symbolizes the earth i.e. “heaven on earth” …Also, the circle connotes love, compassion, equality, a coming together for the victims’ families, the people of New York and the world.
Relative to the main ground plane, the globe of the world is set onto a lower plaza level; the sphere can be perceived as rising from the earth, which is emphasized by the sloped green grass borders on three sides of the Memorial.
The design intention is to separate the sacred quality of the entire site as a peaceful park setting, from the dynamic underground activity in the area.
Design Features: