The late Professor Lin Yun wrote this inscription in my book (1998):
Red Chinese characters (left to right): “Your way (Tao) is not alone…You as my student come out from my teachings” (interpreted as “Indigo comes out from blue.”)
Indigo symbolizes mystical wisdom, self-mastery and spiritual realization. While blue is the color of communication, indigo turns the blue inward, to increase personal thought, profound insights, and instant understandings.
Black Chinese characters (left to right): “For RD with blessings signed by Lin Yun holding a mantra”.

Candace Connors Vorhaus, was first introduced to the art of Feng Shui in 2000 by a New York City friend whose 42-year-old husband was diagnosed with early stage prostate cancer. Her friend explained how she had hired author and Feng Shui practitioner, RD Chin, to thoroughly evaluate her apartment from a Feng Shui perspective. Mr. Chin noticed immediately that the family’s apartment’s layout contributed to the husband’s energy, vitality, and health flowing out the front door. The family made a few necessary Feng Shui changes to the apartment; performed the suggested Feng Shui health cures, and also sought traditional medical attention. Within six months, the husband was cancer free and remains healthy today.
Intrigued, Candace hired RD Chin to Feng Shui her husband, Robbie’s, 8,500 sq. foot office in midtown Manhattan. Again, after several changes and Feng Shui cures, Robbie’s business experienced many surprising, dramatic and positive unexpected changes. And, in 2005, the Vorhaus family hired RD Chin to assist in the building of their new home in Sag Harbor, New York, again with remarkable results. RD Chin inspired Candace on her path to Feng Shui, and today remains a good friend and mentor.

I have been studying Feng Shui for twenty years using books and moving around furniture and spaces. I am so happy to study with RD Chin whose knowledge and understanding of the art goes way past anything in a book. His merit as a renowned architect and interior designer is a foundation for the level where the balance of space is a healing practice. He came into this from his own inner journey of transformation and brings that to his teaching. You can feel it in his stature and manner and comprehensive presentation, that here is a master. Anyone who can take even one of his classes and read his books will have a key that opens a door to our greatest potential as individuals and a collective. Success is guaranteed!

Chin also takes a building’s history into consideration when applying feng shui. Seated in the conference room of his Manhattan office, he recalled a recent client who purchased a townhouse in Weehawken, New Jersey. The property had been foreclosed – not a good thing from a feng shui perspective, Chin says.
So he did a blessing to change the building’s chi. Chin opened all the doors and windows created an altar with fabric and candles and conducted a meditation imagining that the energy of the Hudson River was coming through the basement, through each floor and up to the roof – what he calls “breathing new life into the building.” The process also included throwing blessed orange slices and rice around the entire house.
When the new owner, engineer John Chen, returned the next day to clean things up, he felt there was a difference to the townhouse’s chi.
“I’m very analytical and very scientific, so this feng shui stuff is a stretch for me to try and think about,” Chen says, “but the energy was definitely a lot lighter.”

When feng shui was recommended to Manhattan-based strategic business development consultant, Billie Sutter, for her Hamptons home, she deemed it “too esoteric” at first. Feeling as though there was nothing to lose by looking into it – she tried unsuccessfully for years to sell the charming home in Water Mill, New York – Sutter met with Chin and liked him right off the bat. A week later, she followed through on everything he suggested in his consultation
Sutter says the house’s energy changed as a result. and shortly thereafter, she received two offers on the house, one of which she accepted. In her mind the Hampton’s property sold because of feng shui.
Looking back at the house, Sutter says, “The people relationship corners of the house were not in harmony, and by adding color and shifting furniture around, it changed the flow. And in changing the flow, it created another energy.”You’ll sense it,” adds Sutter, who also had Chin apply feng shui to five of her offices and two of her New York apartments. “You’re dealing with invisible as well as visible energy.”

We have been in the house now for nearly a year and it is GREAT! I am so happy with what we have created. I have been doing my best to get the Feng Shui/green building word out. We have had some wonderful press and have been featured in the Wall Street Journal, the Boston Globe and we will be in Martha Stewart’s “Body and Soul” June issue. I feel that the more people that are exposed to this information, the more it becomes a way of life. We would be honored to be considered for a segment in ABC Boston news. Please feel free to forward our name on to the producer and we will be happy to show her the fantastic work that you did on our house. And as a side note I will have to check the fame part of the house and see how it looks. You must have made sure that it is very balanced, because as I have stated we have had some wonderful press.
How lovely to hear from you. I too think of you often and know that you have created a wonderful life full of joy. I occasionally see you on Facebook when new things are happening for you. If allowed, FB can take-up much of one’s life, yet it is a great way to stay connected with people in your life. Past and present.
It has been six years that we moved into out house. Eight and a half since we first started with the breaking of the land. So much has happened, and the most being how fast my daughters have grown. I am astounded that it happens much quicker than I expected. I feel like I have such a short time with them and I try to be more present. Not always easy, however, we are all a work in progress.
Yesterday, the Boston Globe did a wonderful article about my husband and the company he heads, Sperry Topsiders. That success has to be contributed to the amazing work you did for us. Six years later and we are still experiencing the benefits in our house of fame.
Thank you.

I still tell groups when I take them around the gardens, the story of how you told me the abundance corner of the property was blocked, and how you suggested I place the “kuntur runtu – the condor egg” yoga studio and open up the “chakana” and the “sun garden”, which today all flow beautifully. Our acupuncture pointed wooden structures have been in place as well…
I do think that should you decide to return to us with a group…consider combining Andean healing ceremonies and ancient feng shui! The program gets designed around your wonderful gifts and what “they” (the ancients) knew about feng shui and incorporated into the ancient sites. Then add that to learn how to feel the energy and create your own gardens, whether chakra energy or whatever, and combine that again with feng shui. People would also enjoy joining the wonderful blessing ceremony you did here, and then in each of the gardens, and then write that as part of learning to “feel” the energies in Nature. Your Healing ways integrated well with our Andean healing traditions! I would think that this would appeal to many people.
It is always very special to me to think that a master that you are, combines with what we have, here at Willka T’ika and broadens the perspective of everything.